The Governance of Big Tech

The Governance of Big Tech

Closing the CG Gap and Building Resilience

ICGN is proud to be hold the Governance of Big Tech online event, hosted by NASDAQ OMX.

The advances in technology over the last decade have led to huge opportunities across business and society changing the way we work, connect, and live.  Innovations in technology can not only improve how corporations conduct business but also offer improvements to their governance activities, particularly with regards to transparency, accountability, efficiency and security. However, corporate governance practices have not always kept up with innovation in this sector, exposing the potential for abuse and exploitation whether intended or not.

Collaboration and engagement between regulators, companies and investors will help close the governance gap and build resilience. This event will explore the risks and rewards of big tech; human rights and data governance; finding the balance of responsibility between companies, investors and regulators; and also examining dual class shares.


To enable global access this event us divided in two sections:

Part A: 10:00 GMT – 12:45 GMT / 11: CET – 13:45 CET

Part B: 17:00 GMT – 19:45 GMT / 18:00 CET – 20:45 CET / 10:00 DST – 12:45 DST

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