Daniele Vitale

European 2019 AGM season

‘One of the most notable findings in our analysis is how much more willing investors are becoming in opposing board members directly when they consider that there have been corporate governance failings.’

Yin-Hua Yeh

How to leave a lasting legacy?

‘The value of a well-designed succession plan is indisputable: firms which fail to provide a clear framework for succession after the passing of a founder often experience severe difficulties. However, merely having the vision to design a succession plan does not guarantee success. The further dimension to take into account is human nature.’

Alex Cameron and David Archer

Engaging boards with climate change – Part 2

‘Others emphasised the benefit of linking climate change reporting to a board’s normal financial reporting cycle and saw the principles issued by TCFD (Task Force for Climate- related Financial Disclosures) as a useful standard, requiring companies to engage with stakeholders and explain how they were contributing to reducing climate risks.’

Gay Haskins and Alison Gill

Kindness in leadership

‘A number of our interviewees ... suggested that kind leadership behaviours had a strong positive impact on organisational well-being and performance. For employees, the result is greater contentment, higher motivation, higher engagement and participation. Teams and management, they found, were more creative and innovative, with positive relationships more prevalent.’

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